Photo Shojiro Nakabayashi
The joint exhibition, "Kaminote ● Nippon", has been opened from today, May 29.
A preview and press conference of it was done yesterday, May 28.
The following photographs are of them.
The exhibition place "Hyakudan Kaidan" is a building that the Tokyo metropolitan government selected as one of tangible properties of Tokyo.
With the exception of special openings such as our event, it is not ordinarily open to the public .
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Photo Shojiro Nakabayashi

The first members by six Japanese artists with high level technique of handiwork of "Kaminote ● Nippon".


"Seiko-no-ma" in "Hyakudan Kaidan"
Photo Shojiro Nakabayashi
pop-up artist HIROKO
(official blog)
(official facebook)
(official youtube)
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